ADFK Blogs
Combat Considerations: Hero Stats

Good evening and welcome to an article by Raph [ADFK] high above the keep!
Last time, in Combat Considerations, I gave you a brief and metaphorical overview on how I will be looking for balance with my future PvP combat teams thinking about a legged stool. I’m going to spend this article presenting some data and takeaways on the first leg, Hero Stats! In a quick review, I argued that all naked heroes are created equal, except for their stats, reviewed one of my favorite charts,

and called all your heroes meat bags. So, consider yourself caught up!
Using the chart above we should expect an Exalted Class (DreadKnight) to be about 23-30% better than their Basic Class brethren. But when we look a little closer, there are in-game opportunities that are closing the gap.
I chose to evaluate the levels of 11, 12, and 13, levels that are more likely to be “naturally” achieved and are hopefully more closely representative of the population. For now, I’m choosing to evaluate the 8 core stats on the back of the hero card.
The mean of the box and whisker charts is as follows.

Level 11 mean listed in in order: Archer/DarkKnight/Dragoon/DreadKnight; 141/152/164/176
Level 12 mean listed in in order: Archer/DarkKnight/Dragoon/DreadKnight; 152/163/177/188
Level 13 mean listed in in order: Archer/DarkKnight/Dragoon/DreadKnight; 167/177/189/201
Each advanced class is eerily 1 LEVEL AHEAD of its preceding class. That’s equivalent to each class being worth ~6% and change more in stats with the difference between basic and exalted being about 20%. At first this feels like quite the mountain to climb for basic heroes, and, you are right, it is. But let’s look at mythics.

Level 11 mean listed in in order: Archer/DarkKnight/Dragoon/DreadKnight; 166/188/188/---
Level 12 mean listed in in order: Archer/DarkKnight/Dragoon/DreadKnight; 176/187/194/---
Level 13 mean listed in in order: Archer/DarkKnight/Dragoon/DreadKnight; 196/193/---/---
You see the same 1 LEVEL BETTER, BUT these Mythics are also 1 level ahead of the mean respective to their own class at level12. This gap will widen as the mythics have more chances to reap their juicy every 5 level rewards. Kudos mythic squad, you figured it out. There are obviously more mythics basics than mythics of other levels, so think of this as a value play to stay competitive in the PvP future. At the time of writing this article, I even found two mythic basic heroes with a single advanced stat gene and one of those heroes 2nd to the floor! Value people!!

But don’t let your tavern sleuthing stop there! Look at all these wowees chilln’ above the 3rd quartile!

Picking up a hero with a sum of stats well above the mean capitalizes on the good luck that they are having during level ups. It’s a bit tedious but summing your stats will be a great way to evaluate tavern heroes when you are looking for upgrades.
Up until this point of the article, I’ve been avoiding the elephant in the room, HP and to a lesser degree MP. Candidly, I’m worried its broken since HP scales exponentially and the remaining stats scale linearly. With this many movie parts, the 4 legs of the stool and hero levels, I believe its going to be a tough balance problem to solve for the Kingdom Studios and Wisdom Labs teams. With that said they have proven more than capable of developing complex ideas for combat. I’ll continue to leave this elephant in the corner for now and dedicate some posts to this in the future.
Before I wrap up stats I want to talk quickly about Stones and Crystals. These can contribute GREATLY to stronger statistical heroes. This is fuzzy math… but, here is a by the percentage evaluation of how many levels stronger you will be compared to your counter part heroes at level 100. I highly recommend always using greater crystal for your alpha squad and trying to use a stone when you are hoping for a strong combat hero to emerge from the portal.

I’ll end by reminding you that this is all reckless speculation and that none of this is financial advice. Please note that I used Power BI to generate my date and I’ll share a link to that model here. If you would like to collaborate more on data analysis, please reach out to me on discord. I also want to note that as soon as I release this model it will remain “static”. If you are interested in receiving live power bi models from the ADFK team, go to the tip jar and help us purchase a physical server 😊(not actually kidding here).
In summary, I believe stats will be a very powerful leg of the stool and a great equalizer. I would expect a Thief and Dread Knight with the same stats to be on an even playing field of battle. Stones, Crystals, and Rarity will help you reduce the level up risk and keep you “in the game” if you are looking for competitive value against the more advanced classes. I appreciate you taking the time to read the article and I would love to discuss this with you on discord!
[Feb. 23, 2023]