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DFK Blogs

Combat Considerations

Good evening and welcome to an article by Raph [ADFK] high above the keep!

As I’ve been preparing for combat with the ADFK guild, we continue to have discussions speculating on the focus when it comes to constructing a 3v3 team for the future of combat. As information trickles in, its clear that we need to prepare for a game that’s as complicated as the hero genetic system created by St. Hubert. I’m humbly working on a framework that ties to the simple construct of the 4-legged chair or stool to describe the discrete, but not mutually exclusive elements of what will make a combat team great. I’m in the process of creating a 6-part series; intro, deep dive into each of the legs of the stool, and finally, I’ll try to build a summary seat the pulls everything together. Without further ado, here is part 1, introduction to combat consideration.

Leg 1: Hero stats

In my proposed methodology, I believe that we should consider all naked heroes equal except for their genetic traits and stats. Sure, some are better looking than others, but stats really are the oldest and most consistent defining factor. For a deep dive check out the incredible stronghold. But if you want a quick (/possibly outdated) and straight to the point visual, check out this “oldie, but a goodie” from forever ago in discord.

For this leg of the stool, I implore you to think about these NFT bags of meat as a means to an end. So, whether its rarity, level up lucks, summoning stones, or an advanced class they all help you work towards the same end goal, STATS.

Leg 2: Equipment

We knew that equipment was going to be in the game pretty much since day one. With that said, we have received a lot of promises and not many deliveries… yet. The fabled amulet drops have moved beyond meme status into the department of the forgotten for most players. With the most recent AMA discussing the legitimacy of the unknown traits becoming related to crafting and pets having crafting bonuses, we do know that crafted armor will play a role in combat. But as the amazing Mosh has said many times, PETS are the most important hero equipment. Not only to pets play a role in crafting future equipment, but they are going to be equip-able themselves. We can speculate about the significance of role they will play as equipment, but this category will be undoubtedly a complex and critical leg of the stool.

Leg 3: Traits

This was the hardest leg to assert its own independence, and quite frankly…. I’ve thought long and hard about having this be a part of the Abilities Leg. When dropped on Christmas Day, DFK sent us scurrying away from our families to check the taverns and to ascertain our positioning. The strength of this leg will be impacted greatly by battle length. Undoubtedly, there will be an opportunity cost to all turns and these Active Traits will consume a hero’s action for a turn. With that said, I believe that these traits will be “Stronger”, by a significant margin, than their ability counterparts. Afterall these traits leverage the same genetic mutation system as hero class. Why wouldn’t a transcendent trait carry a comparable weight benefit to the stats shown in figure 1 above.

Leg 4: Combat Skills AKA Abilities

Continue to go to Medium for the most up to date information on Combat Skills or better yet, go listen to Wowee or MattyPesq as they continue to dive to the deepest nerd depths on how these combat skills will work and what they will mean. What we do know is that these combat skills will be separate into 2-3 focus areas or skill trees. You can intermix trees or focus for some added skill point efficiency use. Hero subclass will unlock the last 15 skill points from level 85 to 100 and which feels like a Mesozoic age away. This leg of the stool has the opportunity for some immediate depth and importance as we try and figure out how to build a balanced 3v3 squad that has synergistic abilities.


My goal is to make you think about hero and tavern value with consideration to a few of the facets of the game. If you have questions, comments, or want to chime in on additions or subtractions please let me know. I’ll start working on describing my believed impact power and consideration criteria for each of the legs of the stool.

Until next time


[Jan. 25, 2023]